Research Library
This page organizes and shares online resources that I have found useful for researching coins and history.
General Interest

Archive.org (27M Books)
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE)
Scribd : collections of publications
Rasmir.com and excellent site for Sasanian, Kushan and other Asian coins

The Parthian Coinage (Percy Gardner)
The Political History of Iran under the Arsacids (A.D.H. Bivar)
Baldwin Sale catalogs (Sunrise Collection, Sellwood Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV)
Parthian Drachm ID (based on Sellwood)
Pieter Anne van't Haaff, Catalogue of Persis Coinage

Roman Provincials


Roman Republican
Attalus.org excellent resource for ancient references organized by date and names
Anonymous Roman Republican Denarii (Steve Brinkman)
Anonymous Victoriati (Kenneth L. Friedman, Richard Schaefer)
RR Coins and Books (Andrew McCabe)
Imitations of Roman Republican Denarii (Phil Davis)
BABELON E., Description historique et cronologique des monnaies de la République Romaine, Rollin et Fevardent - Paris 1885
Roman Republican Die Project (Richard Shaefer)
Broughton, Magistrates of the Roman Republic (vol 1 available on academia.edu)
British Museum: Catalogue of the Greek coins of Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria
Ptolemaic Coinage (Svonoros)
Catalogue Of The Greek Coins Of Mysia (Warwick Roth)

Roman Imperial