The coins of Syrian Antioch show dates from a "Caesarean Era" which honors Julius Caesar and his liberation of the city and generous building efforts.
The events leading up to Caesar's visit to Antioch
In 66 BC, during The Third Mithridatic War (73-63 BC) between the Roman Republic and Mithridates VI of Pontus, Pompey “The Great” took command of the war. Tigranes II “The Great”, allied to Mithridates VI and married to Mithridates' daughter, surrendered Armenia and became a client state to Rome.
Mithridates fled to Crimea, killing his oldest son and taking the throne of the Bosporan Kingdom. His younger son, Pharnaces II, led a rebellion against him, and Mithridates attempted suicide, and then ordered his friend and body guard Bituitus to kill him.
In 64 BC, Pompey the Great, eliminated Philip II and Antiochus XIII, rivals for rule of the Seleucid Empire, and annexed Syria as a Roman province.
Caesar’s Civil War

Although Pompey and Julius Caesar had ruled together with Crassus as the First Triumvirate, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, and initiated civil war with Pompey leading the other side. Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC at Pharsalus and the city of Antioch declared their opposition to Pompey.
[Photo Public Domain: Julius Caesar, c. 1455–60. Mino da Fiesole, Italian, c. 1430-1484, marble with traces of bole (red clay) and limestone with traces of paint, The Cleveland Museum of Art.] Caesar spent the winter of 48-47 BC in Alexandria, and in the Spring, defeated Pharnaces II, who had tried to take advantage of the Roman Civil War as an opportunity to expand his rule.

Location of Antioch on Orontes on a Google map
Caesar in Antioch
April 16, 47 BC, Julius Caesar arrived in Antioch on Orontes, by accident or intent he arrived the day after the anniversary of the founding of the city (the 23rd of the local calendar month, Artemisios). Caesar stayed 9 days, and he bestowed the gift of “Freedom” on the city. He also supported ambitious building projects in Antioch including a basilica, the Parthenon, a theater, an amphitheater, public baths and an aqueduct.
He left his young relative, Sextus Julius Caesar behind as governor of Syria. A short time later, the Syrians, declared the start of a new Caesarean Era, starting from 49/8 BC (Caesar crossed the Rubicon in October of 49 BC), and began to date coins, still issued in the name of Phillip I Philadelphos, from this Era starting with year 3.

Syria, Seleukis and Pieria, Antioch, 1st century BCE, Tetradrachm (Silver, 26 mm, 15.43 g, 12 h), temp. Sextus Julius Caesar, in the name of Philip I Philadelphos, year 3 of the Caesarian Era = 47-46 BCE.
Obv: Diademed head of Philip I to right.
Rev: [B]AΣIΛEΩΣ / ΦIΛIΠΠΟΥ - EΠIΦΑΝΟΥ[Σ] / [ΦIΛA]ΔE[ΛΦΟΥ] Zeus seated left, holding Nike in his right hand and long scepter in his left; in inner left field, monogram of ANT; below throne, fixed monogram; in exergue, Γ and thunderbolt; all within wreath.
Ref: McAlee 4. Prieur 4. RPC I 4127. SC 2491.1
Notes: Light porosity, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Extremely rare - Prieur recorded just two examples. Sharply struck and with light toning. Extremely fine.
This dating system continued until 14/3 BC when they were replaced with the coins of Augustus. These coins have this monogram concisely recognizing both AVT (autonomy of the city) and ANT (the city’s name).

Bassus’ Rebellion
In 46 BC Q. Caecilius Bassus, a supporter of Pompey, led a rebellion of the troops in which Sextus Julius Caesar was killed. (See Cassius Dio XLVII 26) This, as briefly as I can summarize, is the historical context for this coin – issued in the Caesarean Era year 4 (see the Δ, delta, in exergue). If there wasn’t already enough going on – this is also the year before the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March 44 BC.

Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem, Q. Caecilius Bassus, rebel governor, 46/5 BC, AR tetradrachm in the name of Philip I Philadelphos of Syria, recognizing the era of Julius Caesar, minted 46/5 BC, Year 4 of the Caesarean Era
Obv: Diademed head of Philip I right
Rev: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦIΛIΠΠOV ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOV EΠIΦANOVΣ, Zeus seated on high-backed throne left, holding Nike on outstretched right hand and sceptre in left
Size: 26mm, 15.55g
Ref: Seleucid Coins (part 2) 2491
Cassius Finds Defeat in Victory
This next coin was issued in the "Autonomous Metropolis of Antioch" and is a large 15.4g AE issued in year 8 (H) of the Caesarean Era (42/41 BC). Gaius Cassius Longinus was a Roman senator, brother-in-law of Brutus, a leading conspirator in the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar. After killing Julius Caesar, Cassius wanted to also kill his co-consul Mark Antony, but Brutus talked him out of it.
"Cassius had been in favour of slaying Antony as well as Caesar, and of destroying Caesar's will, but Brutus had opposed him, insisting that citizens ought not to seek the blood of any but the "tyrant" — for to call Caesar "tyrant" placed his deed in a better light."
- Velleius Paterculus, Roman History 2.58.2
Gaius Cassius Longinus entered the province of Syria in 43 BC and took control of the forces that were formerly led by Caecilius Bassus.
Gaius Cassius wrote to Cicero (in Rome) from Tarichea (Palestine) on 7-March-43:
"If you are well, I am glad. I and the army are well. I have to inform you that I went to Syria to join the imperators Lucius Murcus and Quintus Crispus. Those gallant gentlemen and excellent citizens, having heard what was going on at Rome, handed over their armies to me and are themselves now assisting me with the greatest gallantry in the public service. Also I have to report that the legion which was under the command of Quintus Caecilius Bassus has joined me, and that the four legions which Aulus Allienus led from Egypt have also been handed over to me."
-Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to Friends), 12.11
He remained governor of Syria until his death by suicide after his defeat by Mark Antony (October 3, 42 BC). Mark Antony appointed his replacement in 41 BC, Lucius Decidius Saxa who was Governor 41-40 BC. Before being named governor, Saxa led eight legions into Thrace before the battle of Philipi in 42.
Gaius Cassius Longinus died during the Battle of Philippi, over 1000miles away from Antioch Syria, but he did not die in combat. Cassius committed suicide on October 3, 42 BC, after the first day of the battle. Misinterpreting the situation on the battlefield, Cassius believed that his forces had been defeated and that Brutus had also suffered a loss. In reality, Brutus' troops had achieved some success by capturing Octavian's camp.
Cassius sent his trusted centurion, Titinius, to verify whether approaching troops were friend or foe. When Titinius did not return quickly (as he was being celebrated by Brutus' soldiers), Cassius mistakenly thought he had been captured. Fearing imminent defeat and capture, Cassius ordered his freedman, Pindarus, to assist him in taking his own life. The battle ultimately ended with a decisive victory for Antony and Octavian, leading to the collapse of the Liberators' cause.

Roman Syria, Antioch, 42-41 BC, AE (15.4g; 28mm)
Obv: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Rev: ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΥ. Zeus seated left, holding Nike and scepter; above, thunderbolt; in exergue, H (date).
Ref: RPC 4222; McAlee 53
McAlee differentiates the monogram before Zeus' legs on the reverse on 53: K on the side of Λ (above) from this one on 52 which is : K above Λ

Gaius Sosius, Governor
Next is a coin issued during the time of Gaius Sosius as governor of Syria. Gaius Sosius was a general and supporter of Mark Antony. This coin issued in year 12 of the Caesarean Era (38-37 BC).
"Sosius took his place as governor of Syria and, accompanied by Herod, proceeded to pacify Judaea. After a tenacious siege Jerusalem surrendered (July, 37 B.C.)."
- Ronald Syme, The Roman Revolution, 1939

Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antiochia ad Orontem, Gaius Sosius governor, 38/7 BC, AR tetradrachm in the name of Philip I Philadelphos of Syria, recognizing the era of Julius Caesar, minted 38/7 BC, Year 12 of the Caesarean Era
Obv: Diademed head of Philip I right
Rev: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦIΛIΠΠOV ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOV EΠIΦANOVΣ, Zeus seated on high-backed throne left, holding Nike on outstretched right hand and scepter in left, BI in Exergue
Size: 28mm, 15.57g
Ref: Seleucid Coins (part 2) 2491.8
Sosius triumphed in 34 BC and constructed a temple to Apollo in Rome. The Triumvirate officially expired at the end of 33 BC. Sosius was a key supporter of Antony and consul in 32 with Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Octavian and Antony were in full civil war. Sosius was defeated at Actium but survived. Ronald Syme suggests that he may have betrayed Antony.
"The chief author of treachery to Antonius in the naval battle (if treachery there was), and avoidance of bloodshed to Rome, is not known. Sosius might be suspected. Certain of the Antonians were executed, but Sosius was spared, at the instance, it was alleged, of L. Arruntius, an ex-Fompeian. Sosius’ peril and Sosius’ rescue may have been artfully staged."
- Ronald Syme, The Roman Revolution, 1939
Augustus Tetradrachm
Here is an example of the coin that replaced these coin in Antioch starting in 14/3 BC.

Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch, Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14, AR tetradrachm, dated year 30 of the Actian Era - dating from the Battle of Actium between Marc Antony and Augustus - and Cos. XIII (2/1 BC)
Obv: ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟY, laureate head right
Rev: [ETOVΣ] Λ (Actian era date) NIKHΣ, Tyche seated right on rocky outcropping, holding palm frond; below, half-length figure of river-god Orontes swimming right; in right field, monogram (=ΥΠΑTOY) and IΓ (consular iteration, 13) above monogram (=ANTIOXIEΩN?)
Ref: RPC I 4156, McAlee 185; Prieur 55
Note: this post originally written on 09/19/2020 and revised 12/16/2023 and revised to ad Caeserean Era year 3 Coin on 9/28/2024 and again in 1/1/2025 to add teh large AE from 42/41 BC.