Roman Republic
The Roman Republican Denarius
With a primary focus of this collection on the 1st century BC Roman Republic, and the lifetime of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, the Republican denarius is the most common coin discussed in these pages. This 3g-4g silver (AR) coin was introduced in the late 3rd century BC and became a key Roman denomination for the next 400 years. Coins played a role not unlike modern media advertising that is used by political campaigns today. Reference numbers cited for individual coins include a reference to Michael Crawford's "Roman Republican Coinage" in two volumes.

Denarii began with anonymous issues, and soon became a way for moneyers to promote their families, their accomplishments and advance their political careers as they moved up the cursus honorem (which defined roles on the political ladder of the Roman republic). The head of Roma with dioscuri on the reverse was the common form for many years.
Useful references for more information:
Roman Republic see: Numiswiki Roman Republic
Denarius see: Numiswiki Denarius
Roman Republican Coinage Online Catalog see: CRRO

Obv: Laureate head of Janus
Rev: Jupiter, holding sceptre and brandishing thunderbolt, in quadriga driven to right by Victory; ROMA incuse on linear frame below
Ref: Crawford 28/3; BMCRR Romano-Campanian 78-99; RSC 23

Obv: Head of Roma
Rev: Dioscuri on horseback Ref: Crawford 115/1

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) to left
Rev: Victory, holding reins and whip, driving biga right
Ref: Crawford 203/1a; Sydenham 427; Maiania 1; RBW 870
Note: Attractively toned, VF

Obv: Head of Roma to right, wearing winged helmet ornamented with griffin's head; X behind
Rev: Victory, naked to the hips, driving galloping biga to right, holding reins in left hand and whip in right; P•SVLA below, ROMA in exergue
Ref: Crawford 205/1

AR Denarius, Rome mint
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) to left
Rev: Diana Lucifera driving galloping biga right, holding reins and whip
Ref: Crawford 207/1; Sydenham 391; Decimia 1; RBW 890

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, Victory standing right, holding wreath, above X (mark of value, below victory a bit hard to see on this coin), border of dots
Rev: C.TER LVC, Dioscuri riding right, each holding a spear, ROMA below, line border
Ref: Crawford 217/1; Sydenham 425; Terentia 10

Rev: The Dioscuri, each holding spear, riding to right; dog jumping to right below horses, ROMA in exergue.
Ref: Crawford 219/1; BMCRR Rome 859; RSC Antestia

Obv: Head of Roma to right, wearing winged helmet, pendant earring and pearl necklace; behind, X (mark of value). Rev. ROMA
Rev: CN•GEL, Helmeted warrior in quadriga to right, grasping captive with his right hand and holding shield in his left
Ref: Babelon (Gellia) 1, Crawford 232/1, RBW 962, Sydenham 434

Obv: Head of Roma to right, wearing winged helmet, pendant earring and pearl necklace; behind, X (mark of value). Rev. ROMA
Rev: CN•GEL, Helmeted warrior in quadriga to right, grasping captive with his right hand and holding shield in his left
Ref: Babelon (Gellia) 1, Crawford 232/1, RBW 962, Sydenham 434

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; TRIO downward behind head, X (mark of value) below chin
Rev: CN LVCR, the Dioscuri, each holding spear, on horseback riding right, ROMA in exergue
Ref: Crawford 237/1a; Sydenham 450; Lucretia 1; RBW 978.

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; TRIG behind, X (mark of value) below chin
Rev: Juno driving galloping quadriga right, being crowned by Victory from behind, holding reins and scepter, C CVRI
Ref: Crawford 240/1a (1a has TRIG on the obverse, and 1b TRIGE – die matches confirm this coin is 1a); Sydenham 459; Curiatia 2
Note: an interesting flaw in the flan shows as a divot on the cheek of Roma.

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) behind
Rev: Venus driving biga right, being crowned by Victory flying left
Ref: Crawford 247/1; Sydenham 468; Calpurnia 2.

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; mark of value to left
Rev: Victory driving quadriga right, holding goad, reins, and wreath; P • (MAE) (ANT) below horses
Ref: Crawford 249/1

Obv: Head of Roma right, without star on flap of helmet, ROMA downwards behind, X below chin.
Rev: M. METELLVS Q. F., around Macedonian shield on which elephant's head, all in laurel-wreath
Ref: Crawford 263/1b

Obv: ROMA, helmeted head of Roma right.
Rev: C METELLVS, Jupiter driving biga of elephants left; flying Victory above (off flan)
Ref: Crawford 269/1.

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, BALBVS, below, ROMA and before, *, all within laurel wreath
Rev: Jupiter, holding spear and thunderbolt, in prancing quadriga driven right by Victory; below horses, shield and in exergue, MN·ACILI
Ref: Babelon Acilia 1. Sydenham 498, Crawford 271/1

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma to right; X behind
Rev: Victory driving biga to right, holding whip and reins; C•CATO below, ROMA in exergue
Ref: Crawford 274/1;

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, branch and below chin, X.
Rev: Jupiter in prancing quadriga r., hurling thunderbolt and holding sceptre; below horses, M CARBO and ROMA in linear frame.
Ref: Babelon Papiria 6. Sydenham 423. FFC 959. RBW –. Crawford 276/1.
Note: Light iridescent tone and EF

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, RVF and below chin, X
Rev: The Dioscuri galloping to right; below horses, Q·MINV and in exergue, ROMA
Ref: Crawford 277/1

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, X and before, ROMA.
Rev. Jupiter in prancing quadriga r., holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt; in exergue, CN DOMI.
Ref: Babelon Domitia 7. Sydenham 535. Crawford 285/1.

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right; mark of value behind
Rev: Soldier on horseback rearing left, holding sword and severed head of barbarian; Q below
Ref: Crawford 286/1; Sydenham 544

Obv: Helmeted head of Roma
Rev: Roma, wearing Corinthian helmet
Size: 3.8g, 18.5 mm
Ref: Crawford 287/1

Obv: Head of Roma to right, wearing crested and winged helmet; behind, ROMA; to right, X (mark of value); all within torque.
Rev: L•TORQVA / EX•S•C Horseman galloping to left, holding spear in his right hand and shield in his left; to upper right, Q.
Ref: Babelon (Manlia) 2; Crawford 295/1; RBW 1135; Sydenham 545;
Notes: Lightly toned. A few minor deposits and the reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine.

Obv: CN BLASIO CN F, helmeted head of Mars to right; behind head, unknown control; above, star.
Rev: ROMA, Jupiter standing facing, holding scepter in his right hand and thunderbolt in his left; to left, Juno standing front, holding scepter in her right hand and looking toward Jupiter; to right, Minerva standing front, head to left, crowning Jupiter with a wreath and holding spear in her left hand; in inner right field, Θ
Ref: Babelon (Cornelia) 19; Crawford 296/1d;

Obv: PIETAS, Diademed head of Pietas
Rev: Amphinomus running right, carrying his father on his shoulder
Ref: Crawford 308/1a